15 Tips for Writing Engaging SMS Marketing Messages

June 28, 2024

Nobody can imagine a world where they are not in constant communication with their smartphone. They have become indispensable for everyone. Therefore, the role of Bulk SMS marketing in promoting the business has become vital. That’s how you dominate your phones with messages filled with personality and exciting points.

But here’s the thing – composing these perfect text messages is challenging because you have only so many characters to make an impact. They will be the leading creative and mechanical solutions for SMS marketing. By the time I get excited about giving these 15 tips, you will have figured out how to get this done.

In response to your request, I have prepared this text with the goal of transferring the most valuable information I have about these pointers that will prove very useful for interacting with your family and hitting those goals you’re trying to reach with a considerable influence.

Write Engaging SMS Marketing Messages

Top 15 Ways to Write Engaging SMS Marketing Messages

SMS marketing is a unique and consequential way for businesses to chat directly with customers using text messages. If you want your SMS marketing campaign to hit the mark and make sure your texts grab attention and work well, think about these tips:

Tip 1: Keep It Short and Sweet

In SMS marketing, it’s all about keeping things brief. Make sure your SMS messages are concise and focus on what matters. Since you’ve only got so many characters to work with, it’s crucial to catch your audience’s eye fast and get your point across without any extra fluff that might make them lose interest.

Remember, most people who read these messages will only have a little time as they move around. By ensuring your SMS texts are short but effective, using abbreviations where appropriate, and embracing a more playful, conversational tone, you’re more likely to get folks paying attention and interacting with what you’ve sent out.

Tip 2: Personalize Your Messages

Using personalization in your SMS marketing can make a difference. When you call your customers by name or share something about them, it feels more special and grabs their attention. It makes people feel important and like you get them, which means they’re more likely to pay attention to what you’re sending out through your SMS campaign.

Utilizing customer data and splitting up your audience into different groups based on what they like or are interested in and then making messages that speak directly to those things boosts how well your SMS marketing works and strengthens the bond with your customers.

Personalizing your messages is the best way to connect with your audience and make them feel valued. Use personalized data like names, birthdays, locations, and interests to give your bulk SMS copies a human touch. This will help your messages stand out and make a lasting impact on your customers.

Tip 3: Create a Sense of Urgency

Adding phrases like “limited time offer” or “last chance” to your SMS marketing messages can make people feel they’re about to miss out on something great. This feeling, known as FOMO (fear of missing out), pushes them to act fast. It’s also essential when you send these SMS messages.

For example, the perfect timing is during a flash sale or just before an offer ends. Doing this makes your message more powerful and helps get more people to take action immediately with time-bound incentives, as suggested by Mailchimp.

Tip 4: Use Clear and Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs)

In every text message you send out for marketing, having a clear call to action (CTA) is super important. With your CTA, make sure it’s obvious what you want people to do next – like buying something, getting in on a deal, or checking out your website.

Stick with words that get them moving and keep the CTA short and sweet so anyone can grasp it quickly. You could say things like “Shop now“, “Claim your discount” or “Sign up today.” Adding a solid CTA in your RCS messages as part of your SMS marketing strategy helps folks know exactly what step to take next, such as starting a free trial, which makes everything more effective.

Tip 5: Offer Exclusive Deals

Everyone enjoys snagging a bargain, and giving your SMS subscribers unique discounts or deals is an excellent way to connect with them. When you hand out special offers that only those who subscribe to your SMS get, it makes them feel special and appreciated.

This feeling can boost their loyalty toward what you’re selling and encourage them to jump on the exclusive bargains you put out there. Consider offering limited-time discounts, free shipping, or setting up buy-one-get-one deals as incentives for people to pay attention to your SMS marketing efforts.

Deliver coupon codes exclusive to your SMS campaign to entice subscribers to sign up and take advantage of the deals. This also allows for easy tracking of engagement and conversions from your SMS marketing efforts.

Tip 6: Include a Strong Value Proposition

Putting a solid value offer in your SMS marketing texts is an excellent method to grab your audience’s attention and get them to do something. Every message you send out should be crystal clear about what perks or goodies people will get if they join your SMS campaign.

It could be anything from getting a price cut, being the first to see some exclusive stuff, or jumping ahead of the line for new products; make sure whatever you’re offering is both straightforward and tempting. By focusing on what folks stand to gain by paying attention to your SMS messages, you’re more likely to convince them to take action that aligns with what you want—and this can amp up how well your campaign does overall.

Don’t forget to include a strong value proposition in your welcome message to subscribers who opt-in to receive SMS from your brand. This confirms their subscription and establishes expectations for the type and frequency of messages they will get. A well-crafted welcome letter can enhance the onboarding process.

Tip 7: Timing is Everything

When you send out messages in your SMS marketing campaign matters, make sure you’re thinking about what time zone your audience is in and plan when to shoot those texts over. You want to avoid bothering them during quiet hours or at night since they might be sleeping or just busy with other stuff.

Instead, try sending your SMS when people are more likely to see it and pay attention, such as during convenient times. Getting the timing right boosts the odds of folks interacting with what you’ve sent as part of your SMS campaign, leading them toward doing what you hoped they would do.

Tip 8: Make It Interactive

By making your SMS messages more interactive, like adding polls, surveys, or quizzes, you can get your audience involved and make them a part of the conversation. This approach doesn’t just grab their attention better; it also gives you some incredible insights based on their responses.

With this kind of engagement through SMS marketing campaigns, you boost how much people interact with what you’re sending out and enhance the success rate of your overall SMS marketing strategy.

Tip 9: Use a Consistent Brand Voice

Keeping the same brand voice in your SMS marketing is critical to ensuring people know and remember your brand. When you send out text messages, they should sound like your brand, whether fun, serious, or full of facts.

With a consistent brand voice and incorporating branding in every message, including your logo and brand name, you can build brand awareness and create a solid identity that folks will recognize immediately.

By sticking with this approach in every message you send via SMS marketing, you boost how visible your brand is and craft an experience for customers that stick with them long after reading your messages.

Tip 10: Leverage Emojis and Multimedia

By throwing emojis and pictures or videos into your SMS marketing, you’re giving your messages a bit of personality and making them look nicer. Emojis are great for showing feelings and can make your texts more casual and friendly, setting the right tone for your brand and audience.

Adding multimedia like photos or clips can boost your SMS messages’ interest and take them to the next level. MMS (multimedia messaging service) allows up to 1,600 characters, giving you more opportunities to wow and delight your customers with creative and engaging content.

But remember, it’s vital to use these extras thoughtfully so they match up with what your brand is all about. By smartly using emojis and multimedia in your SMS marketing efforts, you grab people’s attention better and leave a lasting impression on them.

Tip 11: Ensure Mobile Friendliness

In today’s world, where most of us use our phones for just about everything, making sure your SMS marketing messages are easy to read on those tiny screens is super important. Since many people check their messages on their smartphones, you’ve got to make sure what you send looks good and feels easy to go through.

Start with choosing fonts that are simple to read; pack only a little text or big pictures in there because it can be challenging to look at and hard for folks to find what they need quickly. Focusing on making your SMS content friendly for mobile users helps give them a better experience and makes your SMS marketing efforts more likely to succeed.

Tip 12: Segment Your Audience

Breaking your audience into smaller groups is smart when sending out SMS marketing messages. It’s all about making sure what you send feels unique to each person based on what they like, do, or where they come from. With this approach, every message hits closer to home for them.

Using your info and numbers on customers makes it easier to figure out who falls into which group and then craft messages that speak directly to them. This way of doing things makes your SMS campaign more personal and increases its effectiveness in engaging people.

Tip 13: Provide an Easy Opt-Out Option

Customers always need to choose to avoid getting SMS marketing texts. It’s not just something the law says you must do; it also helps build trust and keeps customers happy. When people feel they can choose what messages come their way, they’re more open to paying attention to ones that matter to them, including transactional texts such as order confirmations and notifications.

Every marketing message should tell people how to opt-out. You might add a line like “Reply STOP if you don’t want these messages” or “Text STOP if you wish to subscribe.” This lets anyone quickly get off your list without hassle.

In addition, when someone decides they’ve had enough and opts out, be quick about taking their number off your list so they won’t get any more texts from you. Doing this shows you respect what they want and helps keep things friendly between your business and its customers.

Tip 14: Test and Optimize Your Messages

It’s super important to keep testing and tweaking to improve your SMS marketing messages and grab your target audience’s attention. Think of it as trying different ingredients in a recipe until you find the perfect mix everyone loves.

Start by playing around with how you write your messages. Try changing up the words when you send them, making them feel more personal, or adding an explicit action for people to take. Send these different versions to various groups of folks interested in your words. By keeping an eye on things like how many people open your message (response rates), click on any links (click-through rates), or do what you’re asking them to do (conversion rates), you can figure out which version is hitting the mark first thing.

With this information, go ahead and tweak those messages even further. Adjust when they’re sent out or who exactly receives them based on who seemed most interested in them before. The goal here is always to get better results from your SMS campaigns by ensuring they strike a chord with recipients.

Remember to keep track of all this effort through metrics—basically, numbers that tell you how well something’s working—because they give great insights into what makes customers tick and help guide smarter decisions moving forward.

Tip 15: Monitor and Analyze Performance

Keeping an eye on your SMS marketing and digging into the numbers is critical to determining whether it’s working and making intelligent choices based on data. By looking at important metrics, you can learn much about what customers do, how interested they are, and whether or not your efforts are paying off.

With SMS marketing goals in mind, pinpoint which key performance indicators (KPIs) matter most. You’ll want to keep tabs on things like delivery rates, open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and opt-out rates. Keeping these metrics regularly helps you understand how well your campaigns perform overall.

Analyzing this information closely for patterns or trends that emerge over time will reveal ways to improve things. For instance, finding out when people tend to read messages more often could help decide the best times to send them out, or understanding which types of messages get the most positive response from your audience might show you what content works best.

To get even deeper insights into your SMS marketing strategy’s effectiveness, consider using tools designed specifically for analytics in SMS marketing. These platforms can simplify seeing data clearly over periods, showing how different factors affect campaign outcomes. With this knowledge, fine-tune strategies aiming towards more robust results.


In today’s fast-paced world, writing SMS marketing messages that grab people’s attention is super important. Keep in mind that keeping things short is crucial. Ensure your messages feel personal, create a sense of urgency, and include eye-catching calls to action (CTAs). Offering special deals and showing the value can help get more conversions. When you send out these texts, aim for times when your audience will pay attention.

Make your messages interactive, stick with a consistent brand voice throughout all communications, and don’t shy away from using images or videos. Always test different strategies to see what works best and monitor how well they’re doing so you can make improvements over time. And remember: always give subscribers an easy way out if they decide to stop receiving updates from you by providing a simple opt-out option.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the Best Practices for SMS Marketing?

In the SMS marketing world, getting a thumbs up from your customers before sending them any messages is essential. When you send something, make sure it feels like it’s just for them by adding a personal touch. It’s also crucial to ensure whatever you’re offering is beneficial in some way.

Keeping an eye on how well these messages are doing by looking at different metrics can help you understand what works and what doesn’t. Plus, mixing SMS with other types of marketing channels can make your strategy even more robust. Above all, staying on the right side of rules and laws that apply to SMS marketing is super important.

How Do You Measure the Success of SMS Marketing Campaigns?

When determining if your SMS marketing efforts are hitting the mark, you can look at a few key things. For starters, check how many of your messages get delivered – that’s your delivery rate. Then, see how many people open them; that’s the open rate. Next up is seeing who clicks on any links you’ve sent – this is known as the click-through rate.

Also important is finding out how many folks take action based on those texts; we refer to this as the conversion rate. Lastly, don’t forget about return on investment (ROI), which tells you whether all this effort in SMS marketing is paying off by bringing more value than it costs.

Can SMS Marketing Be Automated?

With marketing automation tools and platforms, you can set up SMS marketing to run independently. This means businesses can plan and send texts to the people they want to reach at the right time or when certain things trigger a message. Doing this streamlines everything and lets companies monitor their text message campaigns all in one place, like from a dashboard.

What is the Ideal Frequency for Sending Marketing SMS?

Regarding SMS marketing, how often you should send out texts depends on your customers, your business, and what you’re telling them in those messages. You’ve got to balance making sure they remember you and not bombarding them with too many texts.

Consider what your customers like, what’s typical for your business, and when people prefer peace. This will help determine the best time to reach out through SMS without annoying anyone.

How Can I Grow My SMS Subscriber List?

To expand your SMS marketing list, you can try out different strategies. Start by showcasing sign-up changes on your website, social media, and other marketing channels. Why not give away some perks like exclusive content or special discounts?

This way, people may be more tempted to join your SMS circle. With promotional messages, point out why it’s a great idea to subscribe and add a dash of urgency to get them moving.

What Differentiates SMS Marketing from Email Marketing?

SMS and email marketing are great ways to contact customers, but they differ. With SMS marketing, more people are opening messages because these texts go straight to their phones.

This means folks tend to read and reply faster, making it an engaging communication method. On the other hand, emails might take longer for someone to open and respond to since they have a different direct line than SMS.

How do you write SMS messages that need to be ignored?

When crafting SMS messages, making them relevant and personalized is crucial. By shaping your texts to meet your audience’s unique preferences and requirements, you ensure they resonate more deeply. Aim for brevity and clarity in your communication while keeping it interesting.

Incorporating personal touches like using the recipient’s name or mentioning their latest dealings with your brand can make a big difference. To capture their attention and prompt a response, offer something valuable and convey urgency in your message.

Is There an Ideal Time of Day for Sending Marketing SMS?

When sending out marketing SMS, picking the right time boils down to understanding your target audience. You’ve got to think about their day, including when they’re most likely awake because of their time zone and how they go about their daily activities.

You can see when they pay more attention by trying different times for your messages. Keeping an eye on how many people open your texts or replies is an intelligent way to determine the best timing for your SMS marketing efforts.

How to Ensure Compliance with SMS Marketing Laws?

To stick to the rules of SMS marketing, getting a clear yes from your customers before sending them any promotional texts is vital. Ensure you’re doing everything by the book regarding asking people if they want in, keeping their info safe, and handling that data correctly.

Always retain proof that they agreed to receive your messages and make it simple for anyone who changes their mind about getting these texts to say “no thanks” quickly. With laws around SMS marketing constantly evolving, staying up-to-date on any new developments is crucial.

What are the Costs Associated with SMS Marketing?

Regarding SMS marketing, how much you spend can change based on a few things. This includes how many messages you’re sending out, which company is helping you send these texts, and if you’re paying for any extra bells and whistles.

Consider setting aside money to get your message out there, monthly or yearly fees to keep using the service, and anything extra for special features or tools with specific SMS platforms. By figuring out your return on investment (ROI), you’ll get a good idea of whether your efforts in SMS marketing are paying off.

How to Integrate SMS Marketing with Social Media?

Mixing SMS marketing with social media lets you grow your game and reach more people. With platforms like Instagram or Twitter, let folks know about your text message campaigns and get them to sign up for updates straight to their phones.

By linking your social media pages with SMS efforts, you’ll likely see a boost in the number of people who engage and take action. Embrace an omnichannel strategy that brings together texting and social networks into one solid plan of attack.

What are the critical elements of an engaging SMS marketing message?

Critical elements for SMS marketing messages include a clear call to action, concise and relevant content, a personalized approach, urgency, and a link for more information. Engaging SMS messages should be brief, enticing the recipient to take immediate action for better conversion rates.

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