12 Common Mistakes to Avoid in SMS Marketing

July 10, 2024

SMS marketing has become crucial to how many companies talk to their customers. Thanks to everyone having mobile phones these days and texting being so popular, it’s become a really effective way for businesses to get in touch with people directly and send them messages that matter to them.

However, like any communication channel for reaching customers, some slip-ups can make SMS marketing less successful.

In this blog post, we’re going through 12 big no-nos regarding SMS marketing. These include not asking folks if they’re okay with getting your texts, forgetting about making those messages feel unique for each person receiving them, and paying attention to the rules you must follow when sending them.

By steering clear of these errors, companies can make the most out of using text messaging as a powerful tool in their advertising efforts and see better outcomes because of it.

Common Mistakes

12 Common Mistakes to Sidestep in SMS Marketing

SMS marketing helps you connect with your customers and motivate them to take action. However, companies often encounter a few slip-ups when using SMS marketing. By knowing what these common mistakes are and how to avoid them, companies can ensure that their SMS efforts pay off.

We’ll dive into 12 critical mistakes to avoid in SMS marketing next. These errors touch on everything from getting permission first, making messages feel personal, picking the right time to send them out, how often you message people, including a clear call-to-action (CTA), crafting your message just right, keeping an eye on the results (analytics), ensuring your messages look good on mobile devices, splitting up your audience.

Hence, the right people get the most relevant messages (audience segmentation), giving folks something valuable in each text, testing different campaigns before going all-in, following rules and regulations, and avoiding texting invalid numbers.

1) Not Getting Permission

Avoiding a big SMS marketing mistake means getting permission before sending texts. If businesses skip this step, they’re not only breaking rules but might also hurt their brand’s credibility and push people away.

To keep things legal and ensure recipients are okay with your messages, it’s key to clearly inform them if it’s alright to send SMS messages their way. This usually happens through an opt-in process where folks willingly share their phone numbers and say yes to your marketing messages. Plus, it’s smart to tell them how they can stop receiving these texts if they change their mind later by including an opt-out option for your SMS subscribers.

In the United States, there’s a law called the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) that monitors SMS marketing. It says businesses must get clear permission from people before messaging them. Not following TCPA rules could result in large fines. So, really focusing on getting that go-ahead is crucial for staying out of trouble and keeping everyone thinking well of your business.

2) Ignoring Message Personalization

In SMS marketing, a big mistake is to make messages personal. Making your texts feel like they’re just the person reading them is essential to grab their attention and make them feel special. Customizing your messages for each person by using their name or mentioning stuff they’ve bought to suggest new products they might like makes the whole experience more direct and meaningful. This can lead to people being more interested in what you have to say (which means they’ll prothey’llead your messages) and better results overall, especially regarding conversion rates. How do you weave personalization into your SMS marketing messages? It starts with the basics—addressing recipients by name. It’s a smalIt’ssture that grabs attention.

By analyzing customer data and identifying patterns in behavior or similar groups of people, businesses can send tailored messages that resonate with readers and align perfectly with their brand’s values.

3) Sending Messages at Inappropriate Times

Timing is super important in SMS marketing. If you send texts at the wrong time, only a few people will open them, and many might even stop subscribing. This means your effort will be on time.

When figuring out the best time to shoot those SMS messages over, thinking about when your target audience likes to check their phones helps a lot. For instance, texting them while they’re still working could be better because they’re busy ignoring your message. But if you text during times, they’re more likely to be on their phone; there’s a chance they’ll act like they’ll lead your particular message.

By looking into data and trying out A/B testing (which means comparing two versions to see which one does better), companies can know exactly when the right time is for sending SMSs. Getting this timing down helps make sure more folks engage with what you’re sending, ensuring you’re much more effective in the end. Additionally, A/B testing can also help improve the effectiveness of your SMS marketing by testing different subject lines, tone of voice, and calls to action. This allows for optimization and increased conversions in your campaigns.

4) Overloading Subscribers with Messages

In SMS marketing, it’s easy to fall into the trap of sending too many texts. When companies send out messages too often, people can get tired or annoyed and decide to stop subscribing.

Businesses should aim to find a happy medium in how often they send messages. They need to share valuable information without making subscribers feel bombarded. It’s all about hitting that sweet spot where recipients stay interested but don’t feel overwhelmed.

Companies can try different approaches and look at what happens to determine the best frequency for their SMS campaigns. By watching how many people unsubscribe and listening to what subscribers say, businesses can learn if they’re sent the right amount of messages.

Finding this balance is critical for ensuring subscribers welcome texts and help maintain a good relationship with them. Limiting your sending to once or twice weekly is the best practice to avoid overloading subscribers with messages. Anything more, and it’s likely you’ll damage your customers and brand reputation.

5) Lack of Clear Call to Action (CTA)

In SMS marketing, it’s crucial to have a clear call to action (CTA). If your CTA isn’t straightforward and catchy, people might not know what you want them to do or how they can interact with your message.

With a good CTA, you tell folks exactly what step you’d like them to take next. This could be anything from buying something to checking a website or completing a survey. The key is making sure it’s short and sweet but also packs a punch.

When putting together an effective CITA for an SMS campaign, think about the end result you’re aiming for. Make sure the CTA matches up with this goal. Using words that get people moving and adding urgency can really help ensure they jump into action. By nailing down the right kind of compelling CTAs, businesses are more likely to see better engagement rates and more conversions from their SMS campaigns.

6) Poorly Crafted Messages

In the world of SMS marketing, it’s super important to write messages that grab people’s attention. If you don’t get it tonight, not only could your campaign flop, but it might also make people think less of your brand.

With SMS messages, you’ve got to get straight to the point because there isn’t much else to say. Your message needs to be clear and interesting enough so that people want to know more or do something about it.

For businesses aiming for success in their campaigns, aligning these short texts with what their brand stands for is critical. By doing this with a consistent tone that matches how they talk in all their marketing stuff, customers get a smooth experience that feels true to the brand they like.

Trying out different messages and seeing which ones work best through data analysis or asking folks directly helps sharpen those texts. Putting the time and effort into making top-notch SMS marketing content can pay off by boosting engagement and achieving better outcomes.

7) Ignoring Analytics and Metrics

One big mistake in SMS marketing is not paying attention to the numbers and data. Without this information, companies miss important clues that could help them improve their text message campaigns and achieve stronger results.

By using analytics tools, companies can monitor key metrics, such as the number of people who open messages, respond to them, click on links inside them, and actually buy something or take action. These details are super helpful because they show whether the SMS campaign is working well or if there are parts that need fixing.

With Google Analytics or similar platforms hooked up with your SMS marketing tools, you get a complete picture of how well your text messaging efforts are doing and what kind of return you’re getting from them. By focusing on these insights from data and analytics, businesses can tweak their approach based on solid facts to improve their texting strategies and nail their goals with every send-out.

7) Neglecting Mobile Optimization

Paying more attention to making your SMS marketing fit for mobiles is a big no-no. Since most people check their texts on their phones, these messages must be made with mobile users in mind.

This means thinking about how the message looks, how big the text is, and whether it can be read easily on small screens. You want your messages to catch the eye, be simple to read, and be set up so folks can interact without any hassle.

In addition, when you send links in your SMS messages to websites or landing pages, make sure those sites are easy to use on the phone, too. If you do this right, people might get energized and stay interested, which won’t help your SMS campaign.

By making everything look good and work well across different devices for your SMSSMS marketing efforts, businesses will likely see better engagement from everyone who receives their texts.

8) Not Segmenting Your Audience

One big mistake in SMS marketing is not separating your audience into smaller groups. When you send the same text to everyone who’s signed up, many of them might not find it interesting or relevant, which means they’re less likely to pay attention to or act on it.

By dividing their subscriber list based on things like age, what they like, how they behave, and what they are about, businesses can make their messages feel more personal for each group. This approach boosts people’s notice and response.

By looking at data and figuring out which parts of your audience are different from others, companies can customize their texts for these specific groups. By doing so with SMS marketing strategies that focus on personalization for certain segments; businesses stand a much better shot at getting good results because their messages hit closer to home for the people receiving them.

9) Failing to Provide Value

In SMS marketing, many folks slip up by not offering something useful. When people get text messages, they’re looking for stuff that matters to them, and if they don’t find messages that matter, they’ll stop paying attention or even unsubscribe.

To really hit the mark with value, companies need to send out texts that are not just informative but also fun and helpful. Think along the lines of special deals only for subscribers, discounts, handy advice, or suggestions tailored just for you.

Knowing your target audience well is key to getting what they want. With today’s customer information and data analysis tools, businesses can craft SMS campaigns that speak directly to their audience and keep them interested.

10) Not Testing Your Campaigns

Not testing SMS campaigns is a common mistake that can hinder the campaign’s effectiveness. Testing allows businesses to identify and address any issues or areas for improvement before sending messages to the entire subscriber list.

A/B testing is a standard method in SMS marketing, where different variations of messages, CTAs, or timing are tested on a smaller audience segment. This allows businesses to determine the most effective strategies and optimize their campaigns for better results.

Table: Example of A/B Testing in SMS Marketing



Variation A

Variation B


“Get 20% off your next purchase!”

“Enjoy free shipping on orders over $50!”


“Shop now”

“Claim offer”





Higher conversion rate

Higher open rate

By conducting A/B testing and analyzing the results, businesses can refine their SMS marketing strategies and deliver more effective messages to their audience.

11) Ignoring Compliance and Regulations

Disregarding the rules and guidelines in SMS marketing is a big no-no. Every country has its rules to ensure people are protected and that companies send out their marketing texts correctly.

In the United States, there’s the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, or TCPA for short. It says that if a business wants to send you marketing messages through text, they need to get your okay in writing first. If they don’t follow the TCPA rules, it could cost them a lot of money.

So, when businesses decide to reach out using SMS for their ads or deals, it’s super important that they know what’s allowed in their customers’ lives. They’ve got their people if it’s alright it’s for sending texts; let folks say “no thanks” easily; a “‘d stop sending messages quickly if someone decides they’re not they rested anymore.

Sticking to these regulations helps keep everyone happy – customers feel respected and safe. At the same time, businesses stay on good terms with their audience and the law, including proper consent for marketing communication.

12) Neglecting Follow-Up

Neglecting follow-up in SMS marketing is a critical mistake that businesses often make, resulting in missed opportunities and lost potential revenue. The failure to reach out to customers who have already shown interest can lead to a lack of engagement and ultimately loss of leads. By neglecting the follow-up process, businesses risk losing valuable connections and failing to nurture relationships with their potential customers.

To avoid this common mistake, it is essential for businesses to plan strategic follow-up messages that keep customers engaged and interested in their products or services. By consistently reaching out with relevant content or offers, businesses can establish trust with their audience and increase the chances of converting leads into loyal customers. Neglecting follow-up not only hinders growth but also damages the brand reputation, making it crucial for businesses to prioritize maintaining communication with their audience.


SMS marketing can make a difference if you do it correctly. To improve your campaigns, avoid these usual errors: Always ask for permission first and tailor your messages to each person. Ensure you send them at the right time, but only bombard your subscribers with a few texts. It’s important to have straightforward calls to action in your messages, think about crafting them, monitor how they’re doing, check the metrics regularly, and ensure everything looks good on mobile phones.

You should divide your audience into groups so everyone gets what interests them most. Always aim to provide something valuable in every message you send, test various strategies in small batches before going all-in, and remember to follow any rules explicitly related to SMS marketing. By focusing on these areas, you’ll like better engagement from people receiving your texts, which could lead to great results for whatever campaign or idea you’re promoting through SMS marketing efforts.

If figuring this all out seems daunting or if you’re after maximizing the impact of SMS campaigns, getting professional advice might just be what you need. Feel free to reach out to us anytime for tailored suggestions based on our expertise.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Ideal Frequency for Sending SMS Messages?

The ideal frequency for sending SMS messages is typically 2-4 times per month. However, it can vary based on your audience and the nature of your business. Here are some guidelines:

  • Avoid overloading: Too many messages can lead to unsubscribes.
  • Quality over quantity: Focus on sending valuable and relevant content.
  • Monitor engagement: Adjust frequency based on response rates and feedback.
  • Seasonal variations: Increase frequency during holidays or special promotions if it aligns with customer interest.

Always ensure your messages provide value and respect the preferences of your recipients.

How Can I Make My SMS Campaigns More Personalized?

To make your SMS campaigns more personalized, follow these tips:

  1. Use the recipient’s name: Start messages with the recipient’s name for a personal touch.
  2. Segment your audience: Group your contacts based on demographics, purchase history, or behavior to send more relevant messages.
  3. Tailor the content: Customize messages based on past interactions or preferences.
  4. Send at the right time: Schedule messages to align with the recipient’s time zone and optimal engagement times.
  5. Include personalized offers: Provide exclusive deals or discounts based on the recipient’s past purchases or interests.
  6. Two-way communication: Encourage responses and feedback to make the interaction feel more personal.

Personalization increases engagement and improves the effectiveness of your SMS campaigns.

What Are the Legal Requirements for SMS Marketing?

SMS marketing is subject to various legal requirements to protect consumers and ensure regulation compliance. One essential requirement is obtaining explicit consent from recipients before sending them marketing messages via SMS. This means that businesses must have prior permission from individuals to send them promotional content through text messages.

Additionally, SMS marketers must provide clear opt-out instructions in every message, allowing recipients to easily unsubscribe from receiving further communications. This requirement ensures that consumers can stop receiving marketing messages at any time.

Furthermore, businesses engaging in SMS marketing should comply with relevant data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe or the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the United States, to safeguard consumer privacy and data security.

Overall, understanding and adhering to these legal requirements is crucial for businesses conducting SMS marketing campaigns to maintain trust with their audience and avoid penalties for non-compliance. By following best practices and staying informed about regulatory changes, companies can leverage SMS marketing effectively while respecting consumer rights and privacy concerns.

How Do I Measure the Success of My SMS Marketing Efforts?

Measuring the success of your SMS marketing efforts is essential to understanding the effectiveness of your campaigns and optimizing future strategies. One key metric to track is the conversion rate, which measures the percentage of recipients who take a desired action after receiving an SMS message, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. By analyzing this data, you can determine how well your messages resonate with your audience and drive engagement.

Another essential metric is the click-through rate (CTR), which indicates the percentage of recipients who clicked on a link in your SMS message. A high CTR suggests that your messaging is compelling and motivates recipients to act further.

Additionally, tracking metrics such as opt-in rates, response rates, and overall campaign ROI can provide valuable insights into the overall performance of your SMS marketing efforts and help you make informed decisions for future campaigns. By consistently monitoring these metrics and making data-driven adjustments, you can effectively measure and improve the success of your SMS marketing initiatives.

Can SMS Marketing Work for Any Business?

Yes, SMS marketing can be an effective strategy for many businesses, regardless of size or industry. SMS messages have an incredibly high open rate compared to other forms of communication, making them a powerful tool for reaching customers directly and quickly. This direct line of communication allows businesses to send personalized messages, promotions, reminders, and updates to their target audience promptly.

Furthermore, SMS marketing can be particularly beneficial for businesses looking to engage with customers on the go or those targeting a younger demographic who are more likely to prefer text messaging over other forms of communication. By effectively leveraging SMS marketing, businesses can increase brand awareness, drive customer engagement, and boost sales and conversions.

However, businesses need to ensure compliance with regulations, such as obtaining consent from recipients before sending marketing messages and providing opt-out options to maintain trust and respect the privacy of their customers.

What does it say to segment my SMS audience?

To get the most out of your SMS audience:

  1. Begin by sorting them into large groups based on where they live and whether they’re male.
  2. Look at what they do and what they like to make even more specific groups.
  3. Think about what they’re about, how much they interact with you, and what catches their interest in customizing your messages just for them.
  4. From time to time, review these groups to ensure they still match up well with your goals and are working as intended.

How Can I Prevent My SMS Messages from Being Marked as Spam?

Preventing SMS messages from being marked as spam involves following best practices to ensure your messages are delivered successfully. Firstly, ensure you have permission to send SMS messages to the recipients on your list. Sending unsolicited messages can lead to them being flagged as spam. Additionally, avoid using spammy language or excessive punctuation in your messages, as these can trigger spam filters.

Furthermore, providing clear opt-out instructions in every message you send is important. This allows recipients to easily unsubscribe if they no longer wish to receive your messages.

Lastly, regularly monitor and maintain your SMS sender reputation by sending relevant and valuable content to your audience. Adhering to these guidelines can reduce the likelihood of your SMS messages being marked as spam and improve deliverability rates.

What Are the Most Effective CTAs for SMS Marketing Campaigns?

The effectiveness of a Call to Action (CTA) in an SMS marketing campaign can significantly impact its success. Some of the most effective CTAs for SMS marketing campaigns include clear and concise phrases such as Shop Now, Get 20% Off Today, or Limited Time Offer—Act Fast. These CTAs are direct and create a sense of urgency, encouraging recipients to take immediate action.

Personalized CTAs tailored to the recipient’s preferences or past interactions can also be highly effective. For example, using CTAs like Your Exclusive Discount Awaits or We Miss You—Come Back for 15% Off can help increase engagement and drive conversions. Ultimately, the key to a successful CTA in an SMS marketing campaign is to be compelling, relevant, and easy for the recipient to act upon.

What are the most common mistakes to avoid in SMS marketing?

In SMS marketing, several common mistakes should be avoided to ensure a successful campaign. One of the most common mistakes is sending too many messages to your subscribers, which can lead to them feeling overwhelmed and opting out of receiving further messages. It is essential to balance staying in touch with your audience and not bombarding them with excessive texts.

Another mistake to avoid is not providing clear instructions on how subscribers can opt out of receiving messages. It is crucial to include clear opt-out instructions in every message to comply with regulations and allow recipients to unsubscribe easily.

Additionally, failing to personalize messages and sending generic content can also hinder the effectiveness of your SMS marketing efforts. Personalization can improve engagement and make recipients feel valued as individuals rather than just another contact on a list.

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